
Jul 22, 2024

FedEx and UPS Shipping Aquatics, Reptiles, Amphibians, Invertabrates

Hi Everyone, We use FedEx for our shipping because they are the most reliable and safest way to deliver live animals to your family, friends and customers.  Right now FedEx  and UPS is handling extraordinary volume. A year ago, at the beginning of the COVID pandemic, a busy day for...

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Jul 22, 2024

How to Ship Aquatics

Hi Everyone, We want to publish images of your beautiful animals on our social media accounts and in this newsletter. Reptiles, amphibians, fish, corals, invertebrates, axolotls ... glamor shots, packing photos, images of boxes ready to be shipped, customers unpacking ... let's see them all!  Only you can prevent leaky...

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Jun 14, 2024

We want your photos + the danger of leaky boxes

Hi Everyone, We want to publish images of your beautiful animals on our social media accounts and in this newsletter. Reptiles, amphibians, fish, corals, invertebrates, axolotls ... glamor shots, packing photos, images of boxes ready to be shipped, customers unpacking ... let's see them all!  If you want to share,...

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Oct 29, 2021

Never Forget the Danger Within

Avoid these deadly heat pack mistakes. What is the most dangerous aspect of shipping reptiles? Without question, the most dangerous part of the entire shipping process is the heat pack inside the box. The vast majority of deaths during shipping are caused by the misuse of heat packs that could...

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Mar 11, 2021

Which FedEx hub is your live shipment passing through?

Hi Everyone! When you're preparing to ship a live animal, it's helpful to know about:  1. Weather delays at FedEx hubs. This tells you whether you should delay shipping until the weather improves.  2. High and low temperatures along the route. While you should base your heat and cold pack use on...

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